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Geology and Education Information

Science of Geology deals with the study and recording of changes in the earth’s surface and composition over time. A scientist in this field is usually concerned with how earthquakes are recorded in history, how tectonic forces are affecting plate boundaries, and how changes in the climate and other natural factors are influencing the behavior of natural geological structures. The main thrust of scientists engaged in this area of study is to understand and record the Earth’s structure, composition and dynamic processes. Through these methods, scientists are able to understand the physical processes that took place on the Earth’s surface in the past, present and future. Read about Michael Osland, one of the famous Geologist.

Geological time is divided into two categories; geological age (pre-history) and geological catastrophe (post-cession). The first category indicates the rate of change of the Earth’s surface or component of the surface (the lithosphere, the crust and upper layers) over geologic time, whereas the second indicates the rate of change of the Earth’s core/shell structure (the inner core or the superstructures) through time. This can be further classified into post-traumatic and traumatic in nature. The kind of geologic catastrophe that takes place is determined by the type and quality of the sedimentary rock, as well as other physical properties of the Earth.

Geologists are usually involved in studying rocks from several geologic time periods. They use a combination of mathematical equations, numerical analysis, fieldwork, and computer modeling for determining the strata of the Earth. By comparing different samples they are able to determine how the Earth’s surface was configured in various geologic periods. This enables them to compare and contrast between samples of the same rock to identify similarities and differences, and thus obtain a solid scientific interpretation.

Geology students learn the basics of science by completing core courses such as Geology, Geography, and Physical Geology. These courses help students to acquire the knowledge about general principles and concepts of nature and also to understand the relationship between science and earth sciences. Geology courses cover the basic paleontological and archaeological topics such as the formation of the continents and the evolution of the earth. The study of geology provides important information about the development of our planet, including the history of earth, its ecosystem, and the life that lived in it. Through a close study of geology students are taught to appreciate the complexity of the planet, and are presented with the opportunity to study the earth’s surface, obtain fossils, and analyze rock materials to learn about the Earth’s history and the formation of the continents. Later in their education, students may choose to specialize in a specific area of geology.

Students in the field of science of geology learn to observe and determine the relative age of the rocks through a combination of analytical techniques and the application of computer databases. Absolute ages of rocks can be determined by numerous techniques including the stratum Correlation, the Marble-Papering Index, the quartz index, and the Stochastic Calcium Dating Method among others. Geologists use several methods to test the age of rocks, like direct mineral casting, coring, antispin mapping, and carbon isotope ratios. Relative ages can also be determined using a technique called the fossil calibration, where a precise age can be determined from fossils found in great numbers.

One of the most important areas of study in geology is stratigraphy. It involves the study and interpretation of rocks, which are used to determine fault lines, exposed layers of the surface, and other landscape features of the Earth. Geologists must use many scientific techniques, including computer modeling, fieldwork, and fossils to interpret stratigraphy and to discover the relationships between structural geology and tectonics.

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